Course code: 177501 | Subject title: STATISTICS II | ||||
Credits: 6 | Type of subject: Mandatory | Year: 3 | Period: 1º S | ||
Department: Estadística, Informática y Matemáticas | |||||
Lecturers: | |||||
ABASCAL FERNANDEZ, ELENA (Resp) [Mentoring ] | PANIELLO ALASTRUEY, IRENE [Mentoring ] | ||||
The aim of this subject is that students learn:
- to consider an economic problem in statistical terms,
- to solve manually and by means of the statistical program R-Commander,
- to correctly interpret the results,
- to elaborate study reports.
This course is devoted to study:
- The main distributions of probability
- Statistical inference.
Statistical inference as a tool of making decisions in Economy and Business. Basic notions of probability. Basic concepts of probability. Discrete and continuous probability distributions. Introduction to sampling and sampling distributions. Estimate from sample data. Tests of hypotheses for the population parameters. Estimation and contrast for two populations. Analysis of variance. Nonparametric methods. Application to real data of interest in Economy and Business through a computer program.
At the end of the semester students must be able to:
More precisely:
Learning outcomes | Contents | Formative activities | Evaluation activities |
Understand the most usual random variables and probability distributions, their properties and those assumptions that make possible to approximate them to the Normal distribution. | Chapters 1 and 2 | Lectures and Practice sessions | In-term tests with and without using computer |
Understand the differences between population and sample. Understand the main sampling distributions and their applications. | Chapter 3 | Lectures and Practice sessions | In-term tests |
Understand those notions arising in Inferential Statistics. Determine the needed sample size to reach required error objectives. Obtain and interpret a confidence interval. Apply the appropriate test for a given problem. Evaluate the quality of the survey reports published by the media. Interpret outcomes provided by statistical software. | Chapters 4, 5 and 6 | Lectures and Practice sessions | In-term tests with and without using computer |
Learning Activities:
Lectures A-1
Practice sessions A-2
Individual or teamwork projects or problem solving A-3
Individual or small group tutorials A-4
Individual work A-5
Exam A-6
Self-evaluation A-7
Lectures will be devoted to introduce the subject basic contents that will be illustrated with practical activities to help students to develop individual-study habits. Lectures and practice session will be alternated for all chapters.
Practice sessions will have two different approaches. Either they will consist of in-class problem-solving sessions of some proposed exercises by the professor or the students or they will consist of practice sessions with computers so that students will be required to use some statistical software as a tool to solve problems and practical cases. Lesson notes as well as any other teaching material will be available in MiAulario.
Learning outcomes | Evaluation | Weight (%) | Recoverable |
Understand the most usual random variables and probability distributions, their properties and those assumptions that make possible to approximate them to the Normal distribution. Understand the differences between population and sample, the main sampling distributions and their applications and those notions arising in Inferential Statistics. Obtain and interpret a confidence interval. Determine the needed sample size to reach required error objectives. Apply the appropriate test for a given problem. Evaluate the quality of survey reports published by the media. | In-term tests | 30 % | No |
Apply the appropriate test for a given problem. Interpret outcomes provided by statistical software.All the previous. | Final exam | 70% | Yes |
Continuous evaluation amounts up to 30% of the final mark. The continuous evaluation may include activities such as practice sessions, in-terms tests made with or without a computer, problem solving based on computer-obtained outputs and attendance to office hours. Continuous evaluation activities are not recoverable.
The remaining 70% of the final mark corresponds to the final exam. The final exam will be a written exam about the different theoretical and practical contents of the subject. The final exam may include problem solving, theoretical test-type or essay-type questions or designing how to solve an economic problem using statistical tools.
CHAPTER 0. Basic notions of Probability.
CHAPTER 1. Discrete random variables and probability distributions
- Discrete random variables
- Probability distributions for discrete random variables: probability and distributions functions.
- Characteristics of discrete random variable: expectancy and variance
- Binary and Binomial distributions
- Poisson Probability distribution
- Other distributions
CHAPTER 2. Continuous random variables and probability distributions
- Continuous random variables
- Probability distributions for continuous random variables: density and distribution functions.
- Characteristics of continuous random variable: expectancy and variance
- Normal distribution
- Normal distribution approximation for Binomial and Poisson distributions
- Other distributions
CHAPTER 3. Introduction to Statistical inference and Sampling
- Statistical inference as a tool of decision making
- Concepts of sampling
- Sampling with replacement and sampling in finite populations
- Main sampling distributions: sample mean and sample proportion
CHAPTER 4. Estimation
- Point estimation
- Desirable properties of an estimator
- Estimation methods
- Confidence interval estimation: confidence level and error margin
- Confidence interval estimation for single population parameters
- Confidence interval estimation for comparing two populations' parameters
- Sample size determination
- Estimation using a statistical software
CHAPTER 5. Hypothesis testing.
- Concepts of hypothesis testing
- Parametric tests for single population parameters
- Parametric tests for comparing two populations' parameters
- Analysis of variance
- Hypothesis testing using a statistical software
CHAPTER 6. Nonparametric statistics.
- Introduction to nonparametric methods
- Goodness-of-fit tests
- Independence test
- Tests for comparing two populations
- Nonparametric hypothesis testing using a statistical software
Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.
Basic text
Newbold, P, Carlson, W.L. y Thorne, B. (2007). Statistics for Business and Economics. 6th Edition. Editorial Prentice Hall.
Newbold, P, Carlson, W.L. y Thorne, B. (2008). Estadística para Administración y Economía. Editorial Prentice Hall.
Mi Aulario will be the course web page providing also a communication channel between instructor and students. There students will find the necessary material for both theorical and computer lab sessions, together with data files and any other additional material.
Additional bibliography:
Levin, Rubin, Balderas, Del Valle y Gómez (2004) Estadística para la administración y la economía. Editorial Prentice Hall.
Lind D. A., Marchal W. G. y Wathen S. A. (2008) Estadística Aplicada a los negocios y a la Economía. Editorial McGraw " Hill