Course code: 177302 | Subject title: APPLIED ECONOMICS | ||||
Credits: 6 | Type of subject: Basic | Year: 2 | Period: 1º S | ||
Department: | |||||
Lecturers: | |||||
Los objetivos de la asignatura son los siguientes:
1. Proporcionar al alumno los conocimientos necesarios que le permitan interpretar la realidad económica a nivel tanto nacional como internacional.
2. Ofrecer al alumno un conjunto de herramientas de análisis sobre el comportamiento de las variables económicas y sobre las interrelaciones que se establecen en un sistema económico.
3. Formar al estudiante en el manejo de un vocabulario económico riguroso, como es el empleado por los organismos nacionales e internacionales que producen estadísticas e informes económicos, cuya comprensión y análisis es necesaria para interpretar la realidad económica.
4. Familiarizar al alumno con la información estadística que organismos públicos y privados nacionales e internacionales ofrecen a través de Internet. Por ello, una actividad de la asignatura consistirá en la búsqueda e interpretación de información económica coyuntural presente en numerosas páginas web, tanto públicas como privadas
Los contenidos de la asignatura se estructuran en dos partes:
Key words: national accounts, balance of payments, GDP, inflation, ICP, economic development, demography, economy and enviroment
R06. National and international economic analysis, productive sectors, public sector, economic institutions and their evolution.
RA1. Outcome of the course 1. Macroeconomic analysis of a country's economy and its evolution over time
RA2. Outcome of the course 2. Use of international databases on development, population and environment, and analysis derived from them.
RA3. Outcome of the course 3. Spanish economy, world economy and economic history
The teaching methodology differentiates theoretical and practical classes, since both have different objectives. Thus, three different methods are contemplated.
1. Theoretical classes: lectures, manuals, use of materials related to the subject. In these classes the student will be offered a global vision of the subject, focusing the expositions on the most complex issues. It is about giving the student a guide so that he can carry out the study of all the contents of each topic. These classes are based on schemes and presentations prepared by the teacher and made available to students through the computer support platform for teaching ("Miaulario").
2. Practical classes: both practical exercises and analysis of current economic news and commentary on economic articles focused on the analysis of some of the issues raised in the theoretical classes. Exchange of materials (approaches and solutions) through "Miaulario". The student will have to use economic concepts and variables, through the analysis of real data. The application of the knowledge that has been acquired in the lectures will allow the student to understand various issues of their economic reality.
3. Tutorial class
A) Attendance: individualized attention of each student in the place and time that is designated for it. Through this route, students can ask questions of a different nature: doubts, resolution of questions and practices in addition to those carried out in the classroom, extension of bibliography or material related to aspects treated in the classroom.
B) Online tutoring: the development of computer applications and the generalization of their use has provided the basis for the creation of computer platforms that are used as tools to support teaching. In this sense, the UPNA has the known as "Miaulario". This platform also allows personalized attention of the student through various tools, such as e-mail or forums.
Activity | Attendance hours | Additional hours (non attendance) |
A1. lectures | 40 | |
A2. Practical classes | 20 | |
A4. Reading articles and homework | 30 | |
A4. Estudio individual | 54 | |
A6. Examz | 03 | |
A8. Tutorial classes | 03 | |
TOTAL | 66 | 84 |
Learning result |
Evaluation system |
Weight (%) |
R06, RA1, RA2, RA3 | Final Exam | 60 |
R06, RA1, RA2, RA3 | Practice activities, presentations, other homework | 40 |
Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.
Bibliography (it maybe completed with new publications):
Other Resources:
The applied character of the subject makes it very appropriate for the use of material from other sources. In this regard, we can mention some periodicals that usually include articles on subjects related to the subject: Applied Economics, Industrial Economics, Economists, Spanish Business Information, Spanish Economics Papers, Spanish Journal of Agrosocial Studies and Fisheries.
Also of interest are some annual publications of official bodies, such as the Bank of Spain.
Similarly, international organizations such as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, UNCTAD, UNPD, the he Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the OECD, as well as non-governmental organizations, publish annual studies and reports on issues such as economic development, Financial flows, emigration, population, climate change, etc., which are valuable sources of information and analysis. They are usually available on the net.
Some relevant Internet addresses, where in addition to the aforementioned reports, can be obtained abundant statistical information are: