Course code: 177206 | Subject title: MICROECONOMICS | ||||
Credits: 6 | Type of subject: Basic | Year: 1 | Period: 2º S | ||
Department: Economía | |||||
Lecturers: | |||||
Part 1 - Introduction to Microeconomics
1. Analyzing Economic Problems
2. Demand and Supply Analysis
Part 2- Production and Cost Theory
3. Inputs and Production Functions
4. Costs and Cost Minimization
5. Cost Curves
Part 3 - Perfect Competition
6. Perfectly Competitive Markets
7. Competitive Markets: Applications
Part 4 - Market Power
8. Monopoly, Monopsony and Oligopoly
CB1: Students should prove that they have the knowledge of an area that is already studied at the high school level, but that in the university level is based on more advanced handbooks, including aspects in the vanguard of knowledge of the field.
CB2: Students should be able to apply their knowledge to their work in a professional way. They should be also able to show the usual proficiencies by means of making and defending their positions, and solving problems in their area of study.
CG01: Capacity to analyze and summarize.
CG02: Capacity to organize and planify
CG03: Oral and writing communication in their mother tong.
CG05: Knowledge of computing in relation with their area of study.
CG07: Capacity to solve problems
CG08: Capacity to make decisions
CG09: Capacity to work in a team
CG18: Capacity to adapt to new situations.
SP01 Understand economic institutions as a result and application of theoretical or formal representations about how the economy works.
SP04 Apply professional criteria based on the handling of technical instruments to the analysis of business management problems.
SP07 Assess the situation and foreseeable evolution of a company from the relevant records of information.
SP09 Integrate into any functional area of a company or organization and freely carry out any management task
entrusted to it.
R1: Scarcity and resource assignment, price system, theory of consumption and production, non-competitive markets, economic efficiency and theory of welfare.
R4: Theoretical basis of decision-making
R8: Microeconomic models, industrial economy, imperfect competition markets, and economic regulation
Basic Model of perfect competition. The problem of production (technology, cost functions, benefit maximization, firm supply curve, partial equilibrium, Efficiency (Consumer, producer and social surplus), comparative statics (effects of changing taxes, imposing maximum prices etc.). Models of imperfect Competition (Monopoly, Oligopoly, Price discrimination).
All the learning outcomes are related to the training activities and evaluation systems mentioned in the corresponding sections.
- Three 90-minute lectures every two weeks. Single group.
- One 90-minute practice session every two weeks. Students will be split up into two small groups. Proactive and Interactive student work. Exercises will be solved during the practice sessions.
Learning outcome | Evaluation Method | Weight (%) | Recoverable |
R1, R4, R8 | Final Exam | 70 | Yes |
R1, R4, R8 | Intermediate exams and other activities | 30 | Yes |
- During the course the student will be continuously evaluated. This evaluation will be part of the final exam with a weight of %30. However, depending on how the course evolves and the student get involved this percentage could change.
- The remaining qualification will be given by the final exam, which will have both a theoretical and a practical part.
- Market demand
- Technology
- Cost minimization
- Supply function of the competitive firm in the short run
- Industry supply
- Competitive equilibrium
- The consumer problem (preferences, utility and individual demand).
Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.
Besanko, D. and R. Braeutigam. "Microeconomics" (2008, Third Edition), International student version, Wiley ed.
Pindyck, R. S. and Rubinsten. "Microeconomics" (2013, Eighth Edition), International edition. Pearson ed.