Public University of Navarre

Academic year: 2021/2022 | Previous academic years:  2020/2021 
International Double Bachelor's degree in Economics, Management and Business Administration at the Universidad Pública de Navarra
Course code: 176857 Subject title: INTERNATIONAL MARKETING
Credits: 6 Type of subject: Optative Year: Period: 2º S
Department: Gestión de Empresas

Partes de este texto:


Module/Subject matter

Marketing / Concentration in International Business.



Part I The International Marketing Strategy

1. The Internationalization Process of Firms.

2. Research and Selection of International Markets.

3. International Market Entry Modes.

Part II The International Marketing Program

4. Product Decisions.

5. Pricing Decisions.

6. Distribution Decisions.

7. Communication Decisions.


General proficiencies

CG1. Capacity for analysis and synthesis

CG2. Organizational and planning skills

CG4. Oral and written communication in a foreign language

CG6. Ability to analyze and search for information from various sources

CG8. Ability to make decisions

CG9. Ability to work in a team

CG13. Ability to work in diverse and multicultural environments


Specific proficiencies

CE02. Identify the sources of relevant economic information and their contents

CE05. Issue advisory reports on specific situations of companies and markets

CE06. Write projects on global management or on functional areas of the company

CE12. Plan, organize and control projects in the different functional areas of the company

CE18. Develop marketing policies that improve the knowledge of consumer needs and raise their level of satisfaction


Learning outcomes

LO1. Analyze and compare theories explaining a firm¿s internationalization process.

LO2. Assess and rank international market opportunities.

LO3. Identify and describe the factors to consider when choosing a market entry strategy and the main international market entry modes

LO4. Understand and analyze marketing strategies in foreign markets.

LO5. Design and evaluate a company's international marketing strategy and program.

LO6. Develop skills in oral and written communication in international business settings.

LO7. Develop team skills and competencies needed to work effectively in business settings involving cultural diversity.



The six ECTS describe the student workload required to complete the course. They reflect 150 hours of student work and include lectures, teamwork, individual work, seminars and examinations. Out of the 150 hours, 60 will be in class. The remaining 90 hours of student work will used for reading and studying the materials to be discussed in class, assignments, the course project and the preparation of the exam.

Among the activities constituting the course are, therefore, lectures, practical assignments, seminars by experts, and a course project (International Marketing simulation/project):

- In the lectures, the lecturer presents the critical concepts of the subject and proposes practical assignments to apply the concepts. 

- In practical sessions, five case studies will be discussed in small groups of students. 

- Each team will complete and present a course project. The course project is designed to advance students' understanding of international marketing challenges. The teams will be in charge of international marketing operations of a product in a foreign market. The details of the project will be specified in the file "International Marketing Project" (to be posted on MiAulario). Your team should start the project the third week of the course.

- During the semester, one professional/expert will be invited to present a seminar on a topic related to the syllabus content.

Activity In class (hours) Outside of the classroom (hours)
A1 Lectures 30  
A2 Practical sessions (case studies) 10  
A3 Course project 10 22
A4 Group assignments 08 12
A5 Seminar (professional/expert) 02  
A6 Independent and private reading and study   28
A7 Individual assignments   04
A8 Examinations preparation   24
Total 60 90



Learning outcome Evaluation Weight (%) Re-examination
LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4 E1 - Written examinations on the subject matter (Knowledge, understanding and use of the subject matter) 35% (minimum grade for passing: 5/10) Yes (written exam)
LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4, LO5, LO6, LO7 E2 - Cases and in-class assignments (application of the subject matter to specific situations) 25% No
LO2, LO3, LO5, LO6, LO7 E3 - International Marketing simulation/project 25% Yes (written exam)
LO6 E4 - In-class participation in the lectures and practical sessions (discussions of the main topics and concepts) 15% No



Week Session Description of the content (in class, 2h sessions) Outside of the classroom h
1 1 Presentation and introduction Reading the syllabus. Reading and studying the materials 6
1 2 The Internationalization Process of Firms Reading and studying the materials  
2 3 The Internationalization Process of Firms Reading and studying the materials 6
2 4 The Internationalization Process of Firms Reading and studying the materials. Group assignments (GA)  
3 5 Case 1 Reading and studying the materials. GA and International Marketing (IM) simulation/project 6
3 6 Research and Selection of International Markets Reading and studying the materials. GA and IM simulation/project  
4 7 Research and Selection of International Markets Reading and studying the materials. GA and IM simulation/project 6
4 8 Research and Selection of International Markets Reading and studying the materials. GA and IM simulation/project  
5 9 Case 2 Reading and studying the materials. GA and IM simulation/project 6
5 10 International Market Entry Modes Reading and studying the materials. GA and IM simulation/project  
6 11 International Market Entry Modes Reading and studying the materials. GA and IM simulation/project 6
6 12 Seminar Reading and studying the materials. GA and IM simulation/project  
7 13 International Market Entry Modes Reading and studying the materials. GA and IM simulation/project 6
7 14 Case 3 Reading and studying the materials. GA and IM simulation/project  
8 15 IM simulation/project - Control 1 Reading and studying the materials. GA and IM simulation/project 6
8 16 Product Decisions Reading and studying the materials. GA and IM simulation/project  
9 17 Product Decisions Reading and studying the materials. GA and IM simulation/project 6
9 18 Product Decisions Reading and studying the materials. GA and IM simulation/project  
10 19 Pricing Decisions Reading and studying the materials. GA and IM simulation/project 6
10 20 Pricing Decisions Reading and studying the materials. GA and IM simulation/project  
11 21 Pricing Decisions Reading and studying the materials. GA and IM simulation/project 6
11 22 Case 4 Reading and studying the materials. GA and IM simulation/project  
12 23 IM simulation/project - Control 2 Reading and studying the materials. GA and IM simulation/project 6
12 24 Distribution Decisions Reading and studying the materials. GA and IM simulation/project  
13 25 Distribution Decisions Reading and studying the materials. GA and IM simulation/project 6
13 26 Distribution Decisions Reading and studying the materials. GA and IM simulation/project  
14 27 Communication Decisions Reading and studying the materials. GA and IM simulation/project 6
14 28 Communication Decisions Reading and studying the materials. GA and IM simulation/project  
15 29 Communication Decisions Reading and studying the materials. GA and IM simulation/project 6
15 30 IM simulation/project presentation Reading and studying the materials. IM simulation/project  
16 31 Exam    
16 32 Feedback    
17 33 Feedback    
17 34 Retake exam    
18 35 Feedback    
18 36 Feedback    


Experimental practice program




Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.

Basic lecture material (PowerPoint slides) will be made available online (MiAulario). You are expected to supplement this by reading specific chapters from the following book:

- Hollensen, Svend (2020). Global Marketing, 8th ed., Harlow (England): Pearson Education.






Campus Arrosadia (Aulario).
