Course code: 176806 | Subject title: MARKETING RESEARCH | ||||
Credits: 6 | Type of subject: Mandatory | Year: 4 | Period: 2º S | ||
Department: Gestión de Empresas | |||||
Lecturers: | |||||
The course is divided into three parts.
Part I. The nature of marketing research.
Part II. Sources of information, scaling and sampling methods.
Part III. Data analysis techniques and marketing research cases.
GP01 - Analysis and synthesis skills
GP04 - Oral and written communication in a foreign language
GP06 - Ability to analyze and extract information from different sources
GP09 - Ability to work in team
GP14 - Critical and self-critical capacity
GP15 - Ethic behaviour
GP17 - Ability to learn independently
BC3 - That students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their area of study) to make judgments that include a reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues.
SP02 - Identify relevant economic information and its content
SP03 - Derive from the data information relevant to the company that cannot be recognized by non-professionals
SP04 - Apply professional criteria and technical tools to solve business problems
SP05 - Issue advisory reports on specific situations of companies and markets
SP18 - Develop marketing policies that improve knowledge of the needs of consumers and raise their level of satisfaction
R_MK_07. Understand the importance of information and market research in the decision-making processes undertaken by organizations.
R_MK_08. Understand the process of planning and executing market research.
R_MK_09. Be able to plan and execute market research.
Activity | Hours | |
Presential | 60 | |
Large group (Theory) | 28 | |
Small group (Practice) | 28 | |
Evaluation test | 04 | |
Non presential | 90 | |
Individual study | 50 | |
Preparation of individual or group practical activities | 37 | |
Assessment | 03 |
Learning outcome |
Assessment activity |
Weight (%) | It allows test resit |
Minimum required grade |
R_MK_07, RMK_08 and R_MK_09 | Written tests/exams on the teaching material worked during the course. | 50% | Recoverable with written exam. | Minimum required mark: 5 out of 10* |
R_MK_07, RMK_08 and R_MK_09 | Preparation and resolution of practical activities. Elaboration of marketing research studies. | 35% | Not recoverable | No |
R_MK_07, RMK_08 and R_MK_09 | Practical activities and participation in discussion during presential sessions. | 15% | Not recoverable | No |
* If the student does not pass the "Written tests/exams on the teaching material worked during the course", the maximum final mark for the course will be 4,5 (fail).
PART I. The nature of marketing research
Lecture 1. Marketing research in companies
Lecture 2. Marketing research as a process
PART II. Sources of information, scaling and sampling methods.
Lecture 3. Secondary information sources
Lecture 4. Primary information sources: Qualitative sources and observation
Lecture 5. Sampling in exploratory studies
Lecture 6. Primary information sources: surveys
Lecture 7. Measurement and scales of variables
Lecture 8. Questionnaire design
Lecture 9. Sampling and fieldwork in conclusive studies
Part III. Data analysis techniques and marketing cases.
Lecture 10. Data analysis
Lecture 11. Presentation of results: the report
Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.
Malhotra, N. K. (2007), Fundamentals of marketing research.
Malhotra, N.K. (2017), Marketing Research, an applied approach (5th edition).
Hair, J.F et al. (2007); Research methods for business.
Hair, J.F. et al. (2017); Essentials of Marketing Research.
Rosendo Ríos, V. and Pérez del Campo, E. (2013), Business research methods: theory and practice. Burns, Veeck and Bush (2017); Marketing Research.
Feinberg, Kinnear and Taylor (2013); Modern Marketing Research, Concepts, Methods and Cases.
Saunders, M., Lewis, P. and Thornhill (2003), Research methods for business students.
Chapman, C. and McDonnell, E. (2015), R for marketing research and analytics.