Public University of Navarre

Academic year: 2022/2023 | Previous academic years:  2021/2022  |  2020/2021  |  2019/2020  |  2018/2019 
International Double Bachelor's degree in Economics, Management and Business Administration at the Universidad Pública de Navarra
Course code: 176805 Subject title: HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT
Credits: 6 Type of subject: Mandatory Year: 4 Period: 2º S
Department: Gestión de Empresas

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Module/Subject matter

Management. Organization and Human Resources.



This compulsory course is part of the Organization and Human Resources basic module together with the courses Business Economics and Organizational Design and Behavior. It is the third and last course in the temporal sequence of the module. The course takes place the second semester of the fourth year for the International Double Bachelor's degree in Economics, Management and Business Administration.

The course deals with the management of people as a basic resource within firms. After the Business Economic course, where an economic introduction to firms is explained, and the Organizational Design and Behavior course, where the grounds for a more in depth knowledge of organizational architecture and individual behavior are established, this Human Resource Management course aims to help the student better understand the strategic character of people as well as the areas or practices directly involved in human resource management.

The course starts with an introduction to the employment relationship to set up the theoretical framework of the course. Then the strategic nature of people is highlighted and the theoretical ideas to understand the contribution of people to value creation in organizations are explained. Next the processes of information gathering prior to any action in human resource management are described. These processes are job analysis and human resource planning. Unit 4 deals with the problems associated to recruitment and selection. Unit 5 examines training and Unit 6 performance evaluation. We finish the course with three units where compensation-related issues are discussed.

The approach to these topics is made from a managerial perspective founded in economics, but also including relevant contributions from psychology and sociology. Therefore, the approach is multidisciplinary.


General proficiencies

With respect to the general competences to be developed in the course:

CG01. Ability to analyze and synthesize

CG03. Oral and written communication in the native language

CG04. Oral and written communication in a foreign language

CG05. Computer and software knowledge in the field of study

CG06. Ability to find and analyze information from different sources

CG08. Ability to make decisions

CG09. Ability to work in teams

CG12. Social skills

CG14. Critical thinking and self-assessment

CG15. Commitment to an ethical workplace

CG16. Ability to work in stressful environments

CG17. Self-directed learning ability

CG21. Entrepreneurial spirit


Specific proficiencies

With respect to the specific competences to be developed in the course:

CE02. Identify relevant sources of economic information and their content

CE05. Write consulting reports about markets and firms in specific situations

CE11. Understand the nature of the company as an organization and as a place of interaction of agents with different objectives

CE12. Plan, organize and control projects in the different functional areas of the firm

CE13. Identify the firm as a system and recognize interdependencies between the different functional areas

CE14. Implement policies and practices aimed at the improvement in the efficacy and efficiency of management

CE19. Apply techniques that increase the skills, development and motivation of people in the company


Learning outcomes

R_DG_01. Understand decision making theoretical foundations

R_DG_02. Understand the firm's basic theory. Organization and functional areas

R_DG_04. Understand goal setting, policies and human resource planning, job analysis, evaluation and planning, staffing, training, development, career planning, compensation and incentive systems

R_DG_08. Understand firm ethical behavior



Methodology - Activity In-class hours Outside-class hours
A-1 Theoretical sessions 44  
A-2 Practical sessions 14  
A-3 Preparing individual/group assignments   40
A-4 Individual/group tutorial sessions   08
A-5 Self-study   42
A-6 Exam 02  
Total number of hours 60 90




Weight (%) It allows
test resit
required grade
R_DG_01, R_DG_02, R_DG_04, R_DG_08
Final exam
Yes. Makeup exam
R_DG_01, R_DG_02, R_DG_04, R_DG_08 Midterm exam 30%
Yes. Makeup exam
R_DG_02, R_DG_04, R_DG_08 Practices aimed to solve HR-related problems. 25% No No
Groups of students caught cheating in the group activity will be penalized with a zero-mark for the entire group activity. The minimum mark in the makeup (extraordinary) exam to pass the course is 4 out of 10. The makeup (extraordinary) exam includes the contents of both the midterm exam and the final exam. The makeup (extraordinary) exam cannot be used for improving the score if the student has already passed the course through the final (ordinary) exam. Students who cannot attend practical sessions due to a justified reason can opt for completing the group activity individually, not attending practical sessions and delivering a final oral presentation to the professor. Students who opt for that possibility should communicate that decision to the teacher during the first week of the semester. This option will be applied to all the practical sessions.







Unit 1 - Human Resource Management (HRM)

  • The employment relationship
  • Task-approach to labor markets
  • HRM challenges

Unit 2 - Job analysis and design

  • Task attributes
  • Skill requirements

Unit 3 - HR planning

  • Prediction of labor demand
  • Transition matrix

Unit 4 - Recruiting

  • Asymmetric information
  • Signaling and screening

Unit 5 - Training

  • Human capital theory
  • General and specific training
  • Training evaluation

Unit 6 - Performance evaluation

  • Labor productivity
  • Unit labor costs
  • Attrition
  • Absenteeism

Unit 7 - Career development

  • Promotions

Unit 8 - Compensation

  • Compensation elements
  • Pay structure design



Practice 1 - Human resource management

Practice 2 - Job analysis and design

Practice 3 - HR planning

Practice 4 - Recruiting

Practice 5 - Training

Practice 6 - Performance evaluation

Practice 7 - Career development

Practice 8 - Compensation



Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.


Cascio, W., & Boudreau, J. (2011). Investing in people, 2nd edition, Pearson.

Gómez-Mejia, L.R., Balkin, D., y Cardy, R. (2016): Managing Human Resources, 8th edition, Pearson.

Lazear, E.P., & Gibbs, M. (2015). Personnel Economics in Practice, 3rd edition, Wiley.

Noe, R.A, Hollenbeck, J.R, Gerhart, B. & Wright, P.M. (2012) Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage, 8th edition, Global edition, McGraw-Hill.






Aulario UPNA.
