Course code: 176405 | Subject title: APPLIED ECONOMICS II | ||||
Credits: 6 | Type of subject: Mandatory | Year: 2 | Period: 2º S | ||
Department: Economía | |||||
Lecturers: | |||||
CB3 - Have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data to make judgments that include a reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues.
CG01 - Have the ability to analyze and synthesize
CG03 - Oral and written communication in the native language
CG05 - Computer literacy related to the field of study.
CG06 - Have the ability to analyze and seek information from diverse sources.
CG09 - Have the ability to work in a team.
CG14 - Critical and self-critical capacity.
CG17 - Autonomous learning ability
CE01 - Understand economic institutions as a result of application of theoretical or formal representations about how the economy works.
CE02 - Identify the sources of relevant economic information and its content.
CE08 - Identify and anticipate relevant economic problems in relation to the allocation of resource.
R_EIS_03. To know input-output methodology and its application to the analysis of a national economy.
R_EIS_04. To know and to use some international databases related with the direct foreign investment and the financial system.
The teaching methodology differentiates theoretical and practical classes, since both have different objectives. Therefore, three different methods are considered.
- 1. Theoretical classes: master classes, handling of manuals, use of materials related to the subject. In these classes the student will be offered a global vision of the subject, focusing the presentations on the most complex issues and those that involve the greatest difficulty for the students. The aim is to provide the student with a guide so that he or she can carry out the study of all the contents of each topic. These classes are based on outlines and presentations prepared by the teacher and made available to students through the computer platform to support teaching (My Lecture Room), in order to avoid wasting time taking notes, allowing them to devote their attention to the content and discussion of the topic raised.
- 2. Practical classes: both practical exercises and analysis of current economic news and commentaries on economic articles are included, focusing on the analysis of some of the issues raised in the theoretical classes. Exchange of materials (approaches and solutions) through My Classroom. The aim is to familiarize the student with the use of economic concepts and variables, through the analysis of real economic data. The application of the knowledge acquired in the theoretical classes will allow the student to understand various issues in his economic environment.
- 3. Tutorials
a) Presential: individualized attention to each student in relation to issues related to the subject, both from a theoretical and practical point of view, in the place and time designated for it. Through this channel, students can ask questions of a diverse nature: doubts, resolution of issues and practices additional to those carried out in the classroom, expansion of bibliography or material related to aspects dealt with in the classroom.
b) Virtual: the development of computer applications and the generalisation of their use has provided the basis for the creation of computer platforms that are used as support tools for teaching. In this sense, the UPNA has a platform known as "Miaulario". This platform also allows a personalized attention of the student through various tools such as email or forums.
The learning activities are:
Activity | Hours | % in room |
A1. Theoretical session | 37 | 100 |
A2. Practical sessions | 20 | 100 |
A3. Preparation of individual or group work and exercises | 40 | 0 |
A4. Individual or small group tutorials | 8 | 0 |
A5. Personal Study | 42 | 0 |
A6. Exams | 3 | 100 |
TOTAL | 150 |
Learning outcome | Grading system | Weight (%) | Carácter recuperable |
R_EIS_01, R_EIS_02 | Final exam | 60 | Recoverable |
R_EIS_01, R_EIS_02 | Practices, exercises, written essays | 40 | Recoverable* |
* But it will be recoverable with the final exam
Part One: Input-Output Tables
Theme 1. The structure of the European System of Accounts (ESA2010)
Theme 2. The input-output table as an accounting schema
Theme 3. The input output table. Demand model and its applications
Theme 4. The input output table. Applications to regional analysis
Part Two: World Economy
Theme 5. International monetary and financial relations
Theme 6: Foreign direct investment and transnational corporations
Theme 7. Integration and economic crisis
Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.
Bibliography in English
Bibliography in Spanish
Other resources
The applied nature of the course makes it very suitable for the use of material from other sources. In this regard, we can mention some periodical publications that usually include articles about subjects related to the subject: Economía Aplicada, Economía Industrial, Economistas, Información Comercial Española, Papeles de Economía Española, Revista Española de Estudios Agrosociales y Pesqueros.
Also of interest are some annual publications of official bodies, such as the Bank of Spain.
Likewise, international organisations such as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the United Nations Population Fund, the Climate Change Fund, the OECD, as well as non-governmental organisations, publish studies and annual reports on subjects such as economic development, financial flows, emigration, population, climate change, etc., which are valuable sources of information and analysis. They are usually available on the web.
Some relevant Internet addresses where, in addition to the mentioned reports, relevant statistical information can be obtained are:
Bamk of Spain
World Bank
Instituto de Estadística de Navarra
Instituto Nacional de Estadística
Ministerio de Economía y Hacienda