Course code: 174729 | Subject title: INTERNATIONAL TRADE | ||||
Credits: 6 | Type of subject: Optative | Year: 4 | Period: 1º S | ||
Department: Economía | |||||
Lecturers: | |||||
GOMEZ GOMEZ-PLANA, ANTONIO (Resp) [Mentoring ] |
Four blocks:
Course learning outcome 1 - RA1. Describe the international institutions linked to international trade and the basic rules driving multilateral exchanges.
Course learning outcome 2 - RA2. Differentiate the international trade basic theories.
Course learning outcome 3 - RA3. Predict the economic effects in international trade flows and other economic variables due to changes in demand and supply.
Course learning outcome 4 - RA4. Measure the economic effects of changes in trade policy.
Formative Activity | In-class hours | Out-class hours |
A-1 Lectures | 40 | |
A-2 Exercises | 20 | |
A-3 Debates, group dynamics | ||
A-4 Homework | 23 | |
A-5 Reading | 10 | |
A-6 Individual study | 48 | |
A-7 Exams | 07 | |
A-8 Individual office hours | 02 | |
Total | 69 | 81 |
Learning Outcome | Evaluation Activities | Weight (%) | Failed Evaluation Activities |
R2, R10, RA1, RA2, RA3, RA4 | Development and appliance of trade models. Exams. | 30 | Recoverable. Those exams with a grade lower than 5/10 points must be retaken. |
R2, R10, RA3, RA4 | Geometrical interpretation of trade models. Exams. | 30 | Recoverable. Those exams with a grade lower than 5/10 points must be retaken. |
R2, R10, RA1, RA2, RA3, RA4 | Basic theoretical concepts. Exams. | 40 | Recoverable. Those exams with a grade lower than 5/10 points must be retaken. |
The grade "No presentado" will be applied according to the University legislation.
Part I. International Trade: Main characteristics
Unit 1. Introduction
Unit 2. World Trade: An Overview
Part II. International Trade Theory
Unit 3. The Ricardian Model
Unit 4. The Heckscher-Ohlin Model
Unit 5. The Standard Model
Unit 6. External Economies of Scale
Unit 7. Outsourcing and MNE
Unit 8. Income Distribution and Migrations
Part III. International Trade Policy
Unit 9. Instruments of Trade Policy
Unit 10. International Negotiations
Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.
First ten chapters of:
Krugman, P.R., Obstfeld, M., and Melitz, M.J. (2018): International Economics. Trade & Policy. 11th edition. Pearson Addison Wesley, Essex. (12th edition, if published)
BLOG (in Spanish):
Appleyard, D.R. and Field, A.J. (2017): International Economics. 9th edition. McGraw-Hill/Irwin, Boston.
Bowen, H.P., Hollander, A. and Viaene, J.-M. (2012): Applied International Trade. 2nd edition. Palgrave, Hants, United Kingdom.
Carbaugh, R.J. (2019): International Economics. 17th edition. South-Western Centage Learning, Mason.
Catão, L. and Obstfeld, M. (2019): Meeting Globalization's challenges. Policies to make trade work for all. Princeton University Press, Princeton.
Caves, R.E., Frankel, J.A. and Jones, R.W. (2007): World Trade and Payments. An Introduction. 10th edition. Pearson International, Nueva York.
Eicher, T.S., Mutti, J.H. and Turnovsky, M.H. (2009): International Economics. 7th edition. Routledge, Oxon, United Kingdom.
Feenstra, R.C. and Taylor, A.M. (2021): International Trade. 5th edition. Macmillan, New York.
Feenstra, R.C. (2016): Advanced International Trade: Theory and evidence. 2nd edition. Princeton University Press, New Jersey.
Gerber, J. (2018): International Economics. 7th edition. Pearson International, Nueva York.
Goode, W. (2020): Dictionary of Trade Policy Terms. 6th edition. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Husted, S. and Melvin, M. (2013): International Economics. 9th edition. Pearson International, New York.
Irwin, D. A. (2020): Free Trade under fire. 5th edition. Princeton Universtity Press, New Jersey.
Irwin, D. A., Mavroidis, P.C. and Sykes, A.O. (2008): The Genesis of GATT. Cambridge Universtity Press, Cambridge.
Jovanovic, M.N. (2015): The Economics of International Integration. 2nd edition. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, United Kingdom.
Kerr, W.A. and Gaisford, J. D. (2007): Handbook on International Trade Policy. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, United Kingdom.
Kreinin, M.E. and Clark, D.P. (2013): International Economics: A Policy Approach. 2nd edition. Pearson International, Nueva York.
Krueger, A.O. (2020): International Trade. What Everyone Needs to Know. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Michie, J. (2017): Advanced Introduction to Globalisation. EdwardElgar, Cheltenham, United Kingdom.
Pugel, T. A. (2020): International Economics. 17th edition. McGraw-Hill/Irwin, Nueva York.
Salvatore, D. (2019): International Economics. Trade and Finance. 13th edition. John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey.
Sawyer, W.C. and Sprinkle, R.L. (2020): Applied International Economics. 5th edition. Routledge, Oxon, United Kingdom.
Van Bergeijk, P.A.G. (2019): Deglobalization 2.0. Trade and openness during the Great Depression and the Great Recession. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, United Kingdom.
Van den Berg, H. (2017): International Economics. An Heterodox Approach. 3rd edition. M. E. Sharpe, London.
Van Marrewijk, C. (2017): International Trade. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
World Trade Organization (2011): World Trade Report 2011: The WTO and Preferential Trade Agreements. Geneve. Available at:
World Trade Organization (2012): World Trade Report 2012: Trade and Public Policies. Geneve. Available at:
World Trade Organization (2013): World Trade Report 2013: Factors Shaping the Future of World Trade. Geneve. Available at:
World Trade Organization (2014): World Trade Report 2014: Trade and development: recent trends and the role of the WTO. Geneve. Available at:
World Trade Organization (2015): World Trade Report 2015: Benefits and challenges of implementing the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement. Geneve. Available at:
World Trade Organization (2016): World Trade Report 2016: Levelling the trading field for SMEs. Geneve. Available at:
World Trade Organization (2017): World Trade Report 2017: Trade, Technology and jobs. Geneve. Available at:
World Trade Organization (2018): World Trade Report 2018: The future of world trade: How digital technologies are transforming global commerce. Geneve. Available at:
World Trade Organization (2019): World Trade Report 2019: The future of services trade. Geneve. Available at:
World Trade Organization (2020): World Trade Report 2020: Government policies to promote innovation in the digital age. Geneve. Available at:
World Trade Organization (2020): Overview of Developments in the International Trading Environment. Annual Report by the Director-General. Geneve. Available at: