Credits: 6 | Type of subject: Optative | Year: 4 | Period: 2º S | ||
Department: Estadística, Informática y Matemáticas | |||||
Lecturers: | |||||
LERA LOPEZ, FERNANDO [Mentoring ] | FAULIN FAJARDO, FCO. JAVIER (Resp) [Mentoring ] | ||||
This subject has the following basic contents:
CG01 - Capacity of analysis and synthesis.
CG02 - Organizational and planning capacity
CG03 - Oral and written communication in the native language
CG05 - Computer literacy related to study area
CG06 - Ability to analyze and seek information from diverse sources
CG07 - Ability to solve problems
CG08 - Ability to make decisions
CG09 - Ability to work in a team
CG14 - Critical and self-critical capacity
CG16 - Ability to work in pressure environments
CG17 - Autonomous learning ability
CG19 - Creativity
CE02 - Identification of the sources of economic information relevant to the firm theory
CE03 - Obtaining of information relevant to the firm that cannot be recognized by non-professionals.
CE04 - Application of business management professional criteria based on the management of technical instruments.
CE17 - Promotion of improvements in production processes aimed at increasing the added value created by the firm.
CMO2 - Knowledge of the concepts needed in production and logistics systems.
CMO4 - Solving problems that affect productive and logistic systems through qualitative and quantitative methods.
CMO10 - Knowledge of the material and non-material resources needed in the production process.
CMM2 - Ability to identify the problems related to distribution channels and the organizations that make up the commercial system.
CMB10 - Application of different quantitative and qualitative techniques in solving problems in the field of finance, banking and insurance
R03. Theoretical background for the decision making.
R12. Tactical and strategic decisions related to the production/operations area.
R14. Management support systems and their functions: planning, analysis, design and implementation of the information systems.
R16. Mathematical optimization
R18. Use of computers software to calculate transportation routes.
R19. Basic knowledge of logistics and transportation from the economic and environmental points of view.
R24. Basic knowledge of the environmental costs internalization in logistics and transportation.
R25. Basic knowledge of sustainability strategies in urban logistics.
Methodology-Activity | Class hours in the virtual campus | Non class hours in the virtual campus |
Reading and documents study | 25 | |
Debates and group tutoring | 10 | |
Individual study | 30 | |
Objective assessment tests | 02 | |
Individual tutoring | 03 | |
Assignments and study cases | 20 | 60 |
TOTAL | 60 | 90 |
Learning outcome |
Assessment activity |
Weight (%) | It allows test resit |
Minimum required grade |
All | Course feedback | 20% | NO | NO |
All | Periodic assignments | 30% | NO | NO |
All | Cases study analysis | 50% | YES | NO |
The subject evaluation will be made taking into account the following criteria:
1.- Course feedback (20%): The active participation of the students in the subject will be highly considered. The students¿ interventions will be counted in the forums / blogs of the subject, apart from resolution of objective tests.
2.- Development of periodic assignments (30%): This type of tasks seeks to measure the process of knowledge acquisition in the subject, taking into account the point of departure of each student, and their progress.
3.- Case study developments (50%): The application of quantitative techniques to cases of real companies allows to show the real knowledge of the subject by the student. Each student will be asked to solve at least one practical case and will count for their realization of the teaching assistant's help. The resolution of these practical cases are mandatory for passing of the subject.
PART I: Introduction to Logistics and Transportation.
Topic 1: Introduction to Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Strategy and Planning.
Topic 2: Transport Fundamentals and Transport Decisions.
Topic 3: Decision Making in Logistics and Transport. Main computational algorithms to decision makings: routes optimization, supply chain management optimization, and facilities location decisions.
PART II: Green Logistics and Sustainable Transport in Smart Cities
Topic 4: Environmental sustainability in smart cities: An introduction.
Topic 5: Assessing the external impact of freight transport. Evaluating and internalizing the environmental costs of Logistics.
Topic 6: Urban distribution and smart cities
Topic 7: Vehicle routing optimization under environmental objectives. Use of electric vehicles, bikes, and tricycles for the goods delivery.
Topic 8: Increasing fuel efficiency in the road freight sector with the purpose of sustainability. Alternative fuels and freight vehicles: status, costs and benefits, and growth.
Topic 9: Sustainability strategies for city logistics. Reverse logistics for the management of waste.
Topic 10: E-business, e-logistics, and the environment. Advanced themes in green logistics: distributions by drones, 3D printing, and peak freight.
Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.
a) Bibliografía básica:
1) Faulin, J., Grasman, S., Juan, A., Hirsch, P (2019): Sustainable Transportation and Smart Logistics: Decision Making Methods and Solutions. Elsevier. Cambridge. MA. USA
2) McKinnon, A., Browne, M., Piecyk, M., Whiteing, A. (2015): Green Logistics. Improving the Environmental Sustainability of Logistics. Kogan Page Limited. London. UK.
b) Bibliografía complementaria:
1) Ballou, R.H. (2004): Business Logistics. Supply Chain Management. Prentice Hall. NJ.
2) Coyle, J.J., Novak, R.A., Gibson, B., and Bardi, E.J. (2011): Transportation: A Supply Chain Perspective. South Western. Cencage Learning. Mason, OH
3) Fahimnia, B., Bell, M.G.H., Hensher, D.A., Sarkis, J. (2015): Green Logistics and Transportation. A Sustainable Supply Chain Perspective. Springer. New York. NY.
4) Faulin, J., Juan, A., Grasman, S. and Fry, M.J. (2013): Decision Making in Service Industries: A Practical Approach. CRC Press. Taylor and Francis Group. Boca Raton. FL.
5) Psaraftis, H.N.(ed) (2016): Green Transportation Logistics. The Quest for Win-Win Solutions. Springer.London. UK.
Microsoft Excel ( )
English. A C1 level of English is recommended to follow this subject. Students not fulfilling the C1 requirement could have problems to follow this subject.
This subject will be completely taught on line by MiAulario ( platform.