Public University of Navarre

Academic year: 2014/2015 | Previous academic years:  2013/2014 
International Double Bachelor's degree in Economics, Management and Business Administration at the Universidad Pública de Navarra
Course code: 176805 Subject title: HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT
Credits: 6 Type of subject: Mandatory Year: 4 Period: 2º S
Department: Business Administration

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It is widely recognized that people is a key source of firm’s competitive advantage. Consequently it is essential for organizations to have an effective system for obtaining, mobilizing and managing the organization’s human assets. This course is designed to provide an introduction to the concepts, challenges and prospects of managing people in today’s organizations. The issues covered in the course are: the strategic role of people, job analysis and planning, staffing, training, careers, performance evaluation, and compensation.

The approach to these issues combines description, theoretical contributions from economics, psychology and sociology and practice.



Human Resources, People Management, Strategic human resource management, Staffing, Recruitment, Selection, Training, Careers, Performance Evaluation, Compensation


General proficiencies

CG01. Ability to analyze and synthesize

CG04. Oral and written expression and comprehension in a foreign language

CG07. Ability to solve problems

CG08. Ability to make decisions

CG09. Ability to work in teams

CG12. Social skills

CG15. Commitment to an ethical workplace

CG16. Ability to work in stressful environments

CG17. Self-directed learning ability


Specific proficiencies

CE02. Identify relevant sources of economic information and their content

CE04. Apply professional criteria based on the management of technical tools to the analysis of business problems

CE06. Write projects in specific areas of management

CE11. Understand the nature of the company as an organization and as a place of interaction of agents with different objectives

CE12. Plan, organize and control projects in the different functional areas of the firm

CE13. Identify the firm as a system and recognizing interdependencies between the different functional areas

CE14. Implement policies and practices aimed at improving effectiveness and efficiency



Class sessions (including tests and final exams) 46
Practical sessions 14
Total number of hours in classroom 60
Preparing team work 15
Studying for class sessions 53
Studying for test and exams 17
Seminars 2
Tutorial sessions 3
Total number of hours outside the classroom 90
Total number of hours 150 hours



Final evaluation exercise: 65% of the final grade

  • Final exam of course contents (50%)
  • Assessment of individual work (15%)
  • It is necessary to get at least 40% of the total score of the final exam to pass the course
  • Recoverable in the extraordinary exam
  • It is required to get at least 25% of the total score of the final exam to access the extraordinary exam

Individual student work: 20% of the final grade

  • Exercises, cases and tests
  • It is not recoverable

Team and in-class participation work: 15% of the final grade

  • Class and practical sessions
  • It is not recoverable



1. The employment relationship

2. Strategic human resource management

3. Staffing

4. Training

5. Promotion

6. Performance evaluation

7. Compensation: Internal and external equity

8. Compensation: Rewarding performance



Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.

  • Noe, R.A. et al. (2012). Human Resource Management: Gaining a competitive advantage. 8th edition, global edition, McGraw-Hill
  • Lazear, E.P. & Gibbs, M. (2009). Personnel Economics in Practice, 2nd edition, John Willey & Sons






