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Data Mining

Knowledge management is a process that converts data into explicit knowledge that helps them make decisions. To transform the data into knowledge, there are a number of techniques to help discover patterns of behavior, relationships, rules, associations and even useful exceptions of reality analyzed. These techniques constitute a discipline called Data Mining encompassing various techniques, tools and research results used to extract useful information from large databases.

Data mining has applications in many different domains (business, government, hospitals) for different purposes (classification, prediction). Have for all those interested in exploiting their databases, whatever their nature, qualitative, quantitative even textual.

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Data Analysis

The team is specialized in the analysis of multivariate data that are essentially social and / or economic and from both public and private entities. Analyzes were conducted on the following topics, among others:

  • Customer typologies
  • Product Positioning
  • Analysis of the ideal product
  • Work Accident
  • Development of infrastructure