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SUSTAGRI: Academic contents

Study programme

SUSTAGRI is a 2-year-long (4-term-long) Master’s degree. Studens study the first term of the Master’s degree in Pamplona (Spain), the second in Vila Real (Portugal) and the third in Athens (Greece). Finally, during the term 4 they will carry out the End-of-Master’s-degree project in one of the three universities in the consortium, or another partnering institution.

General structure of the programme

  Content University ECTS
Term 1 Technological bases for agricultural sustainability UPNA (Spain) 30
Term 2 Precision agriculture for sustainable crop production UTAD (Portugal) 30
Term 3 Efficient water use, smart irrigation AUA (Greece) 30
Term 4 Master Thesis In consortium universities or associated entities 30

Study programme

Code Subject Type ECTS Term Place
751001 Data science and analytics in agriculture Compulsory 6 1 UPNA
751002 Geospatial data analysis Compulsory 3 1 UPNA
751003 Geoinformation and remote sensing Compulsory 6 1 UPNA
751004 Sensors and the Internet of Things (IoT) Compulsory 6 1 UPNA
751005 Agricultural Systems Modelling Compulsory 6 1 UPNA
751006 Practical exercise integrating disciplines I Compulsory 3 1 UPNA
751007 Precision agriculture Compulsory 6 2 UTAD
751008 Identifying soil and crop variability Compulsory 6 2 UTAD
751009 Precision agriculture machinery Compulsory 6 2 UTAD
751010 Preventive management strategy Compulsory 6 2 UTAD
751011 Reactive management strategy Compulsory 3 2 UTAD
751012 Practical exercise integrating disciplines II Compulsory 3 2 UTAD
751021 Modelling crop water requirements Compulsory 6 3 AUA
751022 Smart design and management of irrigation systems Compulsory 9 3 AUA
751023 Modelling for sustainable irrigation: enhancing system efficiency and resilience Compulsory 6 3 AUA
751024 Agri-environmental legislation and policies Compulsory 3 3 AUA
751025 Technology sharing and transfer for entrepreneurship Compulsory 3 3 AUA
751026 Practical exercise integrating disciplines III Compulsory 3 3 AUA
751090 Master Thesis Compulsory 30 4 UPNA / UTAD / AUA

The Master Thesis will take place at one of the three universities. Some theses will be developed in connection with one of the Associated Partners.