Training of new researchers

The group is deeply involved in the training of new researchers. Thus, the group has a leading role, together with the Plant Biology and Ecology Department at the University of the Basque Country, both in the Doctorate Programme in “Environmental Agrobiology” and the Master Programme in “Environmental Agrobiology”, awarded with an Excellence and Quality Mention by the Spanish Ministry of Education, respectively.

Students participate in the activities of the different research lines of the group, but also to share experiences with relevant international researchers in Plant Physiology, Agriculture and the Environment. In the Master Programme, we collaborate with Fundacion Carolina, which funds talented students from Latin America to join the programme. Most of our PhD students carry out stages (from two weeks to five months) in relevant foreign institutions (including the Institute de Biotechnologie des Plantes, Paris; Université Paris-Sud, Université de Nice, Université de Angers [France]; Universidade de Lisboa [Portugal]; Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Potsdam and the Julius-von-Sachs Insitute of Biosciences at the University of Würzburg [Germany]; University of Vienna [Austria], University of Florida and the Noble Foundation [USA], University of Oxford or John Innes Centre [UK], among others), as a fundamental part of their training. As a consequence, most of the PhD titles are awarded with an International Mention. The group also hosts foreign PhD students from countries such as the Netherlands, Argentina, Tunis, Australia or Brazil. 

Contact: Prof. Dr. Cesar Arrese-Igor
Departamento de Ciencias del Medio Natural
Campus de Arrosadia - Ed. Los Olivos
31006 Pamplona
Tel. +34 948 169119
Contact by E-mail