The authors should send an electronic version of an extended abstract in ps or pdf format. The length of the extended abstract is up to four pages maximum (it has to contain just the main ideas of the work).

All submitted abstractcs will be referee by the Scientific Committee. Due to lack of space, some authors who have submitted an abstract for oral presentation may be asked to prepare a poster presentation instead. There will be a dedicated poster session to ensure that the posters get plenty of attention and to give presenters full opportunity to interact with conference attendees.


To prepare the abstracts, the Organizing Committee has prepared one template ( in LaTeX.


Authors willing to make a contribution (oral or poster) to the conference are invited to submit the extended abstract, before 30th of April, 2006. After this date, the Organizing Committee will not include the papers in the proceedings volume. It is also compulsory that at least one of the authors pay the registration fee by the end of April.

The electronic version of the paper can be sent by e-mail to:

A selected number of most relevant papers, can be submitted by their authors to be published in a Special Issue of the journal Environmetrics, following the usual process of evaluation by referees. Guidelines and deadlines for submissions will be announced to authors right after the meeting.

Please do not hesitate to contact the organizers regarding your abstract/paper submission.