Public University of Navarre

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Bachelor's degree in Innovation on Food Processes and Products at the Universidad Pública de Navarra
Course code: 502004 Subject title: SUSTAINABLE FOOD PRODUCTION
Credits: 3 Type of subject: Optative Year: 4 Period: 1º S
Department: Agronomía, Biotecnología y Alimentación
SORET LAFRAYA, BEATRIZ (Resp)   [Mentoring ]

Partes de este texto:


Module/Subject matter




Sustainable Development Goals.
Environmental impacts of food production; mitigation and adaptation measures.
Indicators and Evaluation of Sustainability
Healthy and Sustainable diets


General proficiencies

CG1    The capacity to work in the field of agrifood and innovation in a socially and ethically responsible manner, and with a commitment to sustainability.


CT3    The ability to manage information. To identify information needs and be familiar with the sources, bibliographical resources and services available in order to perform basic research in the field of study. To classify information according to relevancy and analyse it critically.


CT5    A capacity for self-reliant learning. To apply the knowledge acquired to the performance of tasks, deciding on the most effective way to perform them and the time to devote to them, selecting the most suitable sources of information.


Specific proficiencies

CE19  To know how to apply the bases of sustainability to food processing. Development and implementation of environmentally-friendly food processes. Use and optimisation of water and energy in agrifood processes. The capacity to use methods to assess and correct environmental impact.


Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes Syllabus Activities Evaluation and Grading
LO1. To compare and differentiate food production systems and strategies aiming to achieve more sustainable food production and consumption. Food Production Systems: traditional and intensive systems, organic systems, local production, fairtrade AA-1; AA-2;AA-3; AA-4; AA-5; AA-6 Assignments Quizzes Participation Final Exam
LO2. To apply actions and technologies that minimize the impacts of food production on the environment. Technology towards a more sustainability food production and consumption; Food Production and climate, water, soil and biodiversity AA-1; AA-2;AA-3; AA-4; AA-5; AA-6 Assignments Quizzes Participation Final Exam
LO3. To integrate a holistic point of view in the development and implementation of food technologies. Concept and evaluation of Sustainability AA-1; AA-2;AA-3; AA-4; AA-5; AA-6 Assignments Quizzes Participation Final Exam
LO4. To evaluate the implications of the technologies and systems used in the food sector on food security and nutrition in a global world. Indicators; Healthy and sustainable diets; Food security, nutrition and sustainable agriculture AA-1; AA-2;AA-3; AA-4; AA-5; AA-6 Assignments Quizzes Participation Final Exam



Academic Activities Time (h)
AA-1 Reading and studying core materials 25
AA-2 Reading supplementary materials 10
AA-3 Prepare Assignments 20
AA-4 Tutoring 5
AA-5 Discussion Forum 5
AA-6 Quizzes and exam 5
Total 75




Weight (%) It allows
test resit
required grade




Learning Outcomes Grading System % out of total Carácter recuperable
LO1; LO2; LO3; LO4 Assignments   35 Yes (submission of the corrected assigments in the terms specified by the professor)
LO1; LO2; LO3; LO4 Participation (Discussion forum; tutoring) 10 No
LO1; LO2; LO3; LO4 Quizzes   35 No
LO1; LO2; LO3; LO4 Final exam   20 Yes (Remedial exam)

If the student did not get the minimum grade to weigh in any of the activities, the grade of the subject would be 4.9 out of 10 at most (fail). 




Lesson 1.- From the Brundtland report to the Sustainable Development Goals and what "sustainability" really means. Food Production Systems: system thinking and sustainability; conventional and intensive systems; low input agriculture; local and smallholder agriculture.

Lesson 2.- Impacts of Food Production. Technology towards a more sustainability food production and consumption: adaptation to climate change and mitigation of emissions; soil, land and water management for mitigation of environmental impacts.

Lesson 3.- Can sustainability be measured? Indicators and evaluation of Sustainability: assessment of sustainability; methodology and sustainability indicators for agriculture and food production

Lesson 4.- Food safety, food security, nutrition and the role of sustainable agriculture. Environmental and ecosystems health; Healthy diets, sustainable diets: consumption as a driver for food production systems.

This is an online course that will be followed through MiAulario platform and will run from 23th October to 23 th December of 2023.



Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.


Alexandratos, N. (2006). World Agriculture: Towards 2030/2050. FAO, Rome.

Altieri, M.A. (1995). Agroecology: The Science of Sustainable Agriculture. Westview Press, Boulder.

CCAFS (2009). Climate change, agriculture and food security. CCAFS Report n°1.

Duchin F (2005) Sustainable consumption of food: a framework for analyzing scenarios about changes in diets. J Industrial Ecology 9, 99¿114.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) (2014). Building a common vision for sustainable food and agriculture: principles and approaches. Rome, Italy: FAO.

NRC (2010). Towards Sustainable Systems of Agriculture in the 21st Century. Committee on Twenty-First Century Agriculture, Systems and Board on Agriculture and Natural Resources, National Research Council (NRC). The National Academies Press, Washington, D.C.

Tilman D, Balzer C, Hill J et al. (2011) Global food demand and the sustainable intensification of agriculture. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108, 20260-20264



Audsley E, Brander M, Chatterton J et al. (2010) How Low Can We Go? An Assessment of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from the UK Food System and the Scope for Reducing Them by 2050. Godalming, UK: FCRN and WWF-UK.

Barling, D., Lang, T., Rayner, G. (2009). Current trends in food retailing and consumption and key choices facing society. In: Rabbinge, R., Linnemann, A. (eds.). European Food Systems in a Changing World. ESF-COST Forward Look. COST, Brussels and ESF, Strasbourg.

Godfray HCJ, Beddington JR, Crute IR et al. (2010) Food security: the challenge of feeding 9 billion people. Science 327, 812¿818.

Hazell, P., Wood, S. (2008). Drivers of change in global agriculture. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 363: 495¿515.

IPCC, 2007: Climatic change 2007: Sythesis Report. [Pachauri, R.K. and Reisinger, A. (publication directors)]. IPCC, Geneve, Swizerland.

Kearney, J. (2010). Food consumption trends and drivers. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 365: 2793-2807.

Macdiarmid JI, Kyle J, Horgan GW et al. (2012) Sustainable diets for the future: can we contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by eating a healthy diet? Am J Clin Nutr 96, 632-639.



