Public University of Navarre

Academic year: 2023/2024 | Previous academic years:  2022/2023  |  2021/2022  |  2020/2021  |  2019/2020 
Double Bachelor's degree in Management, Business Administration and Law (international program) at the Universidad Pública de Navarra
Course code: 177104 Subject title: BUSINESS ECONOMICS
Credits: 6 Type of subject: Basic Year: 1 Period: 1º S
Department: Gestión de Empresas
GOÑI LEGAZ, SALOMÉ (Resp)   [Mentoring ] ANZOLA ROMAN, PAULA   [Mentoring ]

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Module/Subject matter




This course aims to be a first approach to the knowledge of the company by addressing a series of basic and fundamental aspects that can be the object of a more in-depth study in higher courses. The general objective is to provide a global and integrated vision of the company in the more general context of the economic and social system in which it operates.

The course is divided into two parts. The first part is entitled "The company: integration of functional areas". In this part, the knowledge of a complex reality such as the company will be approached through the study of the different functional areas, focusing on operational decisions. Teaching methodologies will be proposed to provide an integrated view of the functioning of the company.

The second part of the course, entitled "The company in the XXI century" focuses on the deepening of some current aspects of the company through learning methodologies such as case studies, debates, group work, etc. Emphasis will be placed on concepts such as ownership, management and governance of the company, business evolution, analysis of the specificities of some types of companies and sustainability.


General proficiencies

CG01. Analysis and synthesis skills

CG04. Oral and written skills in English

CG08. Decision making skills

CG12. Social skills

CG15. Ethical behavior in the job

CG16. Ability to work in stressful environments

CG17. Self-learning skills

CB4. Students should be able to effectively deliver information, ideas, problems and solutions to the audience


Specific proficiencies

SP01 Understand economic institutions as a result and application of theoretical or formal representations about how the economy works.

SP04 Apply professional criteria based on the handling of technical instruments to the analysis of business management problems.

SP11 Understand the nature of the company as an organization and place of interaction of agents with different interests.


Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes Content Training activities Evaluation system
R_DG_01. Understand decision making theoretical foundations Units 1-2 A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6 In-class and out-of-class individual exercises; Partial assessment; Final exam
R_DG_02. Understand the firm's basic theory. Organization and functional areas Units 1-5 A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6 In-class and out-of-class individual exercises; Partial assessment; Final exam
R_DG_07. Understand how to manage conflict and motivate effective cooperation Units 5-6-7-8 A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6 In-class and out-of-class individual exercises; Partial assessment; Final exam
R_DG_08. Understand ethical behavior in the firm Unit 5 A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6 In-class and out-of-class individual exercises; Partial assessment; Final exam



Methodology - Activity In-class hours Outside-class hours
A-1 Theoretical sessions 46  
A-2 Practical sessions 14  
A-3 Preparing individual/group assignments   40
A-4 Individual/group tutorial sessions   6
A-5 Self-study   40
A-6 Exam   4
Total number of hours 60 90



Learning outcome Assessment activity Weight (%) It allows test resit Minimum required grade
R_DG_01, 02, 07, 08 Evaluation tests 45 Yes (test) Minimum grade to be weighted in the final grade: Average of 3 out of 10
R_DG_01, 02, 07, 08 Work in groups 45 No  
R_DG_01, 02, 07, 08 Active participation 10 Yes (test)  






Part 1: The company: Integration of functional areas.

Topic 1: The company

Topic 2. The marketing function

Topic 3. Economic-financial structure

Topic 4. The production function

Part 2: The XXI Century Company

Topic 5: Ownership, management, and governance of the company.

Topic 6: Types of companies and their impact on the economy.

Topic 7: The evolution of the firm

Topic 8: Sustainability in the firm



Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.

Douma, S. and Schreuder (2017) Economic Approaches to Organization, 6 edition, Pearson
Iborra et al (2014): Fundamentos de Dirección de empresas. Paraninfo
Montoro Sánchez, M.A.; Díez Vial, I; Martín de Castro, G (2020) Fundamentos de Administración de Empresas, Thomson-Civitas, Madrid




English, Spanish, Basque



Aulario UPNA.
