Public University of Navarre

Castellano | Academic year: 2016/2017 | Previous academic years:  2015/2016 
Bachelor's degree in Agricultural, Food and Rural Environment Engineering at the Universidad Pública de Navarra
Course code: 501609 Subject title: FRUIT AND GRAPE GROWING
Credits: 6 Type of subject: Optative Year: 3 Period: 2º S
Department: Agrarian Production

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Module/Subject matter

Module: Specific technologies: Fruticulture, Horticulture, Ornamental Plants & Landscape

Subject Matter: Technologies of horticultural production, gardening and landscape



This course is divided in three main topics:

  • Temperate and sub-tropical fruit trees: main species and varietes. Specificities and main cultural practices conditioning the profitability and sustainability of the farms.
  • Grapevine: main varieties, specificities and cultural practices conditioning the profitability and sustainability of the vineyards.
  • Vegetative propagation of plant material. Techniques. Nurseries. Quality, control and certification of the production. Regulations.




Fruit trees, propagation, morphology, pomology, ampelography, cultural practices.


General proficiencies



Specific proficiencies

  • CE25: Ability to recognize, understand, and utilize the principles of horticultural production technology: the foundations and technology for horticultural, fruit, and ornamental propagation and production. Quality control of horticultural products. Marketing
  • CE28:Ability to recognize, understand, and utilize the principles of agricultural and landscape Engineering, environmental legislation and management, sustainable development principles, market and professional strategies, assessment of environmental assets, hydrology, erosion, plant material production, use, and maintenance, ecosystems and biodiversity, physical environment and climate change. Analysis, management, and land use planning. Landscaping principles. Specific design and graphic expression tools, practical development of environmental impact studies, environmental and landscaping restoration projects. Projects and maintenance plans for green spaces. Development projects. Tools for spatial and landscape planning. Projects and works management and planning.


Learning outcomes

R1. Knows fruit tree species from temperate and sub-tropical climates, their specific characteristics and production techniques, varieties and quality parameters.
R2. Knows grapevine varieties, their characteristics an specific production techniques, varieties and quality parameters.
R3. Efficient and sustainable  management of orchards and vineyards.
R4. Understands the fundamental principles of plant propagation and how to apply the appropiate methods and techniques.



Metodología - Actividad
Horas Presenciales
Horas no presenciales
A-1 Expositive/Participative classes
A-2 Practices
A-4 Coursework
A-5 Reading of course materials
A-6 Individual study
A-7 Exams, evaluation tests





Resultado de aprendizaje Sistema de evaluación Peso (%) Carácter recuperable
  R1, R2, R3 y R4  Teacher's log  10%  No
  R1, R2, R3 y R4  Written tests  50% Minimum mark to promediate: 4/10 Yes (Written test)
 R1, R2 and R4 Technical reports - lab practices  20% Minimum mark to promediate: 4/10 Yes (Correcting the reports as indicated by the teachers within the deadlines) 
 R3  Technical reports - case study   20% Minimum mark to promediate: 4/10   No






Lesson 0. Introduction to fruit trees. The fruit tree, definition, types, particularities. Acreages and production for the main species.  


Part I. Morphology and physiology


1.1. Root system. Functions of the roots. Morphology and types of roots Factors influencing the growth and development of the root system. 

1.2. Morphology and functions of the aerial part.  Perennial parts (trunk and branches). Annual parts (buds, shoots, tendrils, leaves, flowers, fruits). 

1.3. Growth and development of the aerial part. Bud letargy. Growth dynamics of the aerial part. Factors influencing growth model and intensity. Methods to estimate the growth of fruit trees and grapevines. 

1.4. Fructification of fruit trees and grapevine. Formation of fertile buds. Factors affecting floral induction. Flowering habits. Fertilization. Factors influencing the process of flowering-fertilization. Parthenocarpy.
1.5. Formation and growth of the fruit. Fruit growth dynamics of fruit tree species and grapevines. Factors influencing growth.
1.6  Fruit maturation. Process description. Changes in the fruit during ripening. Factors influencing ripening process. Maturity indices. Quality: concept, components and criteria for their estimation.


Part II. Productive systems in fruit tree farms and vineyards


2.1. Production system. Components, historical evolution and current trends. Factors conditioning the election of a productive system. Intensification and sustainability of the productive systems. 

2.2. Productive strategies. Production goals. "Conventional" production. Production under legally-defined denominations. Integrated production. Ecological/Biological production.


Part III. Cultivation techniques


3.1. Planting and training systems. Classification. Factors influencing the election of planting and training system in fruit trees and grapevine. 

3.2. Training fruit trees and grapevine. Fundamentals of training. Pruning techniques for the most usual training systems used in fruit trees and grapevine.  

3.3  Pruning fruit trees and grapevine. Assessment of the bud load needed according tree potential ability and production goals. Basic principles in pruning. Pruning techniques adapted to fruit tree species and grapevine. 

3.4. Fertilization. Nutrient needs. Signs and symptoms of nutrient deficiencies. Interpretation of soil and leaf analyses. Pre-plantation and maintenance fertilization: interest and application times. Assessment of nutrient needs. Fertilization specifics for stone and pip fruit trees and grapevine.

3.5. Irrigation. Water regime: concept. Influence of water regime on the performance of fruit trees and grapevines. Methods for estimating water status in fruit trees and grapevine. Irrigation systems, factors influcencing the system election. Irrigation scheduling and management.  

3.6. Harvest. Crop forecast and picking time assessment. Organization of the harvest. Manual and mechanical harvest. 


Part IV. Plant production through vegetative propagation


4.1. Plant propagation. Definitions and concepts. Fundamentals of vegetative propagation, reasons to use it, methods. Changes in vegetative-propagated plants.

4.2  Grafting. Reasons to use grafting. Types of grafts. Graft incompatibility: concept, types, timing, reasons. 

4.3. Nurseries. Legal types of plant material. Description of the general plant production system in nurseries.  Technical regulations for control and certification of plant production. 



Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.


AGUSTÍ, M., 2004. Fruticultura. Ed. Mundi-Prensa.Madrid. 493 pp.

BALDINI, E., 1992. Arboricultura general. Ed. Mundi-Prensa.Madrid.

FAUST, M. 1989. Physiology of temperate zone fruit trees. Wiley, New York. 

GAUTIER, M., 2001. La culture fruitiére. Vol 1: L’ arbre fruitière. Technique et Documentation. Paris. 594pp.

BALDINI, E., 1992. Arboricultura general. Ed. Mundi-Prensa.Madrid.

BLOUIN, J. 2004. Maduración y madurez de la uva

FREGONI, M. 1999. Viticoltura di qualità

HIDALGO, L. 2002. Tratado de Viticultura. Ed. Mundi-Prensa. 1.172 pp.

KELLER, M. 2010. The Science of Grapevines: Anatomy and Physiology. 400pp  Academic Press

MULLINS, M. 1992. Biology of the grapevine. 239 pp. Ed. Cambridge University Press.

REYNIER, A. 2002. Manual de viticultura. Ed. Mundi-Prensa. Madrid. 382 pp.

URBINA VALLEJO, V. Monografias de fruticultura nº 2,3,5,6 y7.

WESTWOOD, N.H. 1982. Fruticultura de zonas templadas. Mundi-Prensa. Madrid.






INFOS- Ctifl

ITEA, información técnica económica agraria
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science

L'arboriculture fruitiere

Navarra Agraria
Revista di Frutticoltura e di ortofloricultura

Scientia Horticulturae

Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research

Vida Rural

Useful Internet links


Ministerio de Agricultura:


Estaciones agroclimáticas en Navarra:

Estaciones agroclimáticas en España:

Portal de información frutas y hortalizas CTIFL (Francia):

Portal de información de frutales U.C. Davis (USA):

Sociedad Internacional de Ciencias Hortícolas:

Buscador científico SCOPUS:



Spanish, English



Classroom in El Sario Building. ETSIA practice orchards. Laboratory in the Agrarian Production Department. 
