Public University of Navarre

CastellanoEuskara | Academic year: 2014/2015
Bachelor's degree in Telecommunications Engineering at the Universidad Pública de Navarra
Course code: 243207 Subject title: FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRONICS
Credits: 6 Type of subject: Basic Year: 1 Period: 2º S
Department: Electrical and Electronic Engineering

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This course is common to the undergraduate degrees in computer engineering and telecommunication technologies. It aims to show the student what electronics is and its application to telecommunications and information processing circuits. The fundamentals of electronic circuits are collected in order to understand the basic workings of the building blocks of more complex elements, both in the field of analog electronics and in the field of digital electronics, but more focused on the first one. This course is intended to both establish the basis for further in-depth studies in electronics that are included in the telecommunications technologies degree as to show the students who do not have these subjects in their studies, simple but solid insight into the physical elements that are based on the existing systems of storage, processing and transmission of information.





Fundamentals of analog and digital electronics. Electronic devices and components. Basic electronic circuits.



General proficiencies

G2. Teamwork

G3. Autonomous learning

G7. Ability to conceive, design, implement and operate systems and services in the field of IC

CB5. Students should develop the learning skills needed to undertake further study with a high degree of autonomy


Specific proficiencies

1.4. Understanding and mastery of the basics of linear systems and functions and related transforms, theory of electrical circuits, electronic circuits, physical principles of semiconductors and logic families, electronic and photonic devices, materials technology and its application to solving engineering problems.




Methodology - Activity

Presential Hours

Non-presential hours

A-1 Theoretical classes/participatory classes



A-2 Cooperative learning activities



A-3 Practical sessions in small groups



A-4 Tutoring and evaluation activities



A-5 Study and autonomous student work









15 hours of laboratory practical sessions will be distributed over multiple sessions from two to three hours each. These sessions will take place temporarily distributed throughout the entire semester, for its proper coordination with the concepts worked in the classroom.  Every practical work includes a previous work to do individually before the realization of the practical session. This work will be essential for the realization of the practice in the laboratory.







The evaluation of this course will take into account the following two sections:


A.- Theoretical and practical exams (75%)

B.- Evaluation of practical sessions (25%)


To pass the course it is necessary to obtain at least 50% in both the theoretical and practical ,and practice exams. Both can be recovered in the extraordinary evaluation.


Regular evaluation


  • For the evaluation of Part A, two exams will be performed. The first will take place in mid-course, covering the first part of the agenda, and the second will be held at the end of the course covering the second part of the lessons. The latter will be held on dates determined by the ETSIIT. The progressive learning of the student, as well as the active participation in the tasks proposed in the classroom will be considered in the evaluation. In order to pass the course, it is highly recommended the resolution of such works.


  • For the evaluation of part B, the completion of ALL PRACTICES in the laboratory, as well as performing all previous works, are mandatory in order to pass the subjetc. Furthermore, the evaluation of this section is held by performing two exams,  one of them in mid-course over the first three pactices, and a second test at the end oft he course over the last three practices. Also, the laboratory performance of students throughout the sessions will be assessed.


In both sections A and B, a rating higher than 50% is required to pass the subject


All exams can be repeated in the recovery evaluation.


Extraordinary evaluation


It consists of four tests: two theoretical and practical exams and two practice exams, that allow the student who has not passed any of them in the regular assessment, a second chance to do so. The conditions and the format will be identical to those of ordinary examinations.

All tests will be held on dates determined by the ETSIIT.



Theory and problems (45 hours)

1.-Presentation. Introduction to electronics.

2. Basic concepts of electronic circuits.

3. Basic concepts of electronic amplifiers.

4. The operational amplifier. 

5. Introduction to semiconductor electronics and optoelectronics. 

6. Diodes.  

7. MOSFET transistors.

8. MOSFET transistors in digital applications.

9. MOSFET transistors in analog applications, amplifiers.

10. BJT transistors.  

11.  Operational amplifiers circuits.


Practical sessions (15 hours)

PR. 1.-Instrumentation 1

PR. 2.-Instrumentation 2.  

PR. 3. Practical session on A.O.

PR. 4.-Practical session on diodes.

PR. 5.-Practical session on MOSFET switch and inverter CMOS.

PR. 6.-Practical session about basic amplifiers with MOSFET.





Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.

Basic bibliography 

Material for the subject (available in MiAulario)

Títle: Microelectronic Circuits (6th edition)
Authors: Adel Sedra, Kenneth C. Smith
Editorial: Oxford University Press, 2011
ISBN: 978019532303

Títle: Circuitos microelectrónicos, 5º edición
Authors: Adel Sedra, Kenneth C. Smith
Editorial: Mc-Graw Hill, 2006
ISBN: 9701054725

Títle: Electronics. Second Edition
Authors: A.R. Hambley.
Editorial: Prentice-Hall 2000
ISBN: 0136919820

Títle: Electrónica. 2ª Ed.
Authors: A.R. Hambley.
Editorial: Prentice-Hall 2001
ISBN: 84-205-2999-0

Títle: Análisis básico de circuitos en ingeniería. 5ª Ed
Authors: J.David Irwin
Editorial: Prentice-Hall 1997

Complementary Bibliography:

Títle: Electronic Circuits. Analysis, Simulation & Design.
Authors: Norbet R. Malik
Editorial: Prentice-Hall 1995

Títle: Circuitos Electrónicos. Análisis, Simulación y Diseño.
Authors: Norbet R. Malik
Editorial: Prentice-Hall 1996
ISBN: 84-89660-03-4

Títle: Electronic Circuit Analysis and Desing 4ª Ed.
Authors: D. A. Neamen
Editorial: MacGraw-Hill (2010).
ISBN: 978007338064

Títle: Microelectronic Circuit Design + PSpice for Basic Microelectronics, 4th Edition
Authors: Richard C Jaeger, Travis Blalock, Joseph  G. Tron
Editorial: MacGraw-Hill (2011).
ISBN: 9780077983574

Títle: Diseño  de Circuitos Microelectrónicos. 2ª Ed
Authors: Richard C Jaeger, Travis Blalock
Editorial: MacGraw-Hill (2005).

Títle: KC’s Problems for Microelectronic Circuits. 4 Edition
Authors: Adel Sedra, Kenneth C. Smith
Editorial: Oxford University Press, 1998
ISBN: 9780195323030

Títle: Foundations of Analog and Digital Electronic Circuits
Authors: Anant Agarwal, and Jeffrey Lang
Editorial: Morgan Kaufmann, 2005
ISBN: 1-55860-735-8 


Title: Introduction to Electronics Desing. 2º Ed.
Authors: F.H. Mitchell, J.R. and F.H. Mitchell, S.R.

Editorial: Prentice Hall; (1992)
ISBN: 0-13-481748-6


Títle: Análisis básico de circuitos eléctricos y electrónicos (eBook en formato PDF)
Authors: Amaya Ibarra Lasa, Izaskun Etxeberria Uztarroz, Olatz Arbelaitz Gallego y Txelo Ruiz Vázquez

Editorial: Prentice Hall; ( 2007)
ISBN13: 9788483228999


Zirkuitu elektriko eta elektronikoen oinarrizko analisia, en formato electrónico(pdf):





