Public University of Navarre

Academic year: 2017/2018 | Previous academic years:  2016/2017  |  2015/2016  |  2014/2015  |  2013/2014 
International Double Bachelor's degree in Economics, Management and Business Administration at the Universidad Pública de Navarra
Course code: 176806 Subject title: MARKETING RESEARCH
Credits: 6 Type of subject: Mandatory Year: 4 Period: 2º S
Department: Business Administration
ARCE URRIZA, MARTA (Resp)   [Mentoring ]

Partes de este texto:


Module/Subject matter

Module: Marketing Information System

Subject: Marketing Research



The course is divided into three parts.

Part I. The nature of marketig research.

Part II. Sources of information, scaling and sampling methods.

Part III. Data analysis tecniques and marketing research cases.



Marketing research becomes a core activity in any modern organization. Its purpose is to provide information to reduce uncertainty in decision making.

This subject is taught once students have attended Marketing Management courses. Marketing research provides useful tools for marketing decision making at both long and short term.  Marketing Research must be understood as a complementary subject for Marketing Management. Students are expected to have statistical skills.

Marketing research. Secondary information. Qualitative techniques. Quatitative techniques. Sampling. Data analysis. Marketing decisions.


General proficiencies

Marketing Research provides a bundle of data collection techniques and statisticals instruments for data analyses. All of them are useful for market segmentation, product positioning, measuring company image, product design, pricing, swot analysis, measuring brand image, competitors identification, and so on. Theoretical developments are illustrated with real data case analyses.


172 CE2 SP02 Identify relevant sources of information and their content

172 CE3 SP03 Derive data recognizable relevant information by non-professionals

172 CE5 SP05 Ability to create reports about companies and markets

172 CG1 GP01 Analysis and synthesis skills

172 CG 11 GP11 INternational Work

172 CG 12 GP12 Skill in personal relationships

172 CG 15 GP15 Ethic behaviour in the job

172 CG 16 GP16 Working in stressful environments

172 CG 17 GP Ability to learn independently

172 CG4 GP04 Oral and written communication in a foreing language

172 CG5 GP05 DEveloping software knowledge to the corresponding subjet

172 CG6 GP06 Ability to analyze and extract information from different source

172 CG GP09 Ability to work in team


Specific proficiencies

172 CE2 SP02 Identify relevant economic information and its content

172 CE3 SP03 Derive data recognizable relevant information by non-professionals

172 CE4 Apply professional criteria and technical tools to solve business problems

172 CE5 SP05 Issue advisory reports on situations of firms and markets


Learning outcomes

  • R1. To understand the importance of information and marketing research in a marketing decision making.
  • R2. To understand the planning process and how to execute it
  • R3. To be able to plan and execute a marketing research



Activity Hours
In class   60
Large group (Theory) 28  
Small group (Practice) 28  
Evaluation test 4  
No presential   90
Individual study 50  
Case analysis 12  
Development of a marketing research (in groups) 25  
Attendance to professor's office hours 3  









Learning outcomes
Valuated activity
Weight (%) Recoverability
 R1 and R2  Written exam  35% (To pass the course it will be necessary to obtain a final grade in the exam of 5 out of 10)  100% recoverable by a written exam
 R1, R2 and R3  Development of a marketing research. Preparation and resolution of the practical activities proposed.  50%  40% recoverable by practices/activities proposed by professors
 R1 and R2  Attendance and active participation in the classroom  15%  Not recoverable



PART I. The nature of marketing research


Lecture 1. Marketing research in companies

1.1. The marketing information system.

1.2. Concept of marketing research

1.3. Execution of a marketing research: internal or external execution

1.4. Marketing research in Spain. Current situation and trends.

1.5. Ethical and legal aspects of marketing research



Lecture 2. Marketing research as a process

2.1. Marketing research process

2.2. Error sources in a marketing research

2.3. Marketing research process and new technologies of information and communication


PART II. Sources of information, scaling and sampling methods.


Lecture 3. Secondary information sources

3.1. Internal secondary sources of information

3.2. External secondary sources of information

3.3 Evaluation of secondary sources of information


Lecture 4. Primary information sources: Qualitative sources and observation

4.1. Qualitative techniques

4.1.1. Focus group

4.1.2. Interviews

4.1.3. Projective techniques

4.1.4. Online qualitative techniques

4.2. Observation


Lecture 5. Sampling in exploratory studies

5.1. Sampling basic concepts

5.2. Stages of sampling selection

5.3. Non-probability sampling methods


Lecture 6. Primary information sources: surveys

6.1. Surveys. Concept and characteristics.

6.2. Types of surveys by how they are administered

6.2.1. Face to face surveys. Personal surveys.

6.2.2. Surveys with distance to the interviewer. Telephone surveys.

6.2.3. Self-administered surveys. Postal surveys.


Lecture 7. Measurement and scales of variables

7.1. Conceptual and operational definitions of variables

7.2. Types of scales. Primary scales.

7.3. Types of scales. Comparative and non comparative scales.
7.4. Itemized scales


Lecture 8. Questionnaire design

8.1. Information required by the questionnaire

8.2. Formulation of questions

8.3. Questionnaire structure, sequence and presentation

8.4. Testing a questionnaire


Lecture 9. Sampling and fieldwork in conclusive studies

9.1. Sampling basic concepts

9.2. Stages of sampling selection

9.3. Probability sampling methods

9.4. Planning and supervision of fieldwork


Part III. Data analysis tecniques and marketing cases.

Lecture 10. Data analysis

10.1. Prior stages of data analysis. Data coding and questionnaire debug

10.2. Data analysis. Basic considerations for choosing technical data analysis.

10.3. Case studies. Univariate and bivariate analyses


Lecture 11. Presentation of results: the report

1. The report

2. The oral presentation




Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.

Rosendo, V. y Enrique Pérez del Campo (2013). Business Research Methods. Esic 2013.


Hair, J.F et al. (2007); Research methods for business.

Malhotra, N. K. (2007), Fundamentals of marketing research.

Saunders, M., Lewis, P. and Thornhill (2003), Research methods for business students.

Chapman, C. and McDonnell, E. (2015), R for marketing research and analytics.



Room 112

Tuesday and Wednesday  8 am to 10 am
