Public University of Navarre

Castellano | Academic year: 2014/2015 | Previous academic years:  2013/2014  |  2012/2013  |  2011/2012  |  2010/2011 
International Double Bachelor's degree in Economics, Management and Business Administration at the Universidad Pública de Navarra
Course code: 176102 Subject title: INTRODUCTION TO ECONOMICS
Credits: 6 Type of subject: Basic Year: 1 Period: 1º S
Department: Economics

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This introductory course to Economics presents the main economic notions related to the functioning of the economic system in a complex society. After beginning with the definition of Economics due to Lionel Robins (namely, “Economics is the science which studies human behaviour as a relationship between ends and scarce means that have alternative uses”), we go on to examine individual (including persons and firms) and social decisions in various economic contexts, and from micro and macroeconomic perspectives.



Model of income determination; Money; Inflation and Unemployment.


General proficiencies

This course aims to encourage students for the understanding and expression of central ideas related to the functioning of the economic system in a complex society. The final aim is that this course enables students to: (i) READ news and reports on economic issues of growing interest in the social, economic and political environments; (ii) WRITE on these topics, using the economic method (including terminology, mathematical models and analysis); (iii) EXPRESS interpretation and opinion on economic issues by speaking in front of an audience.


Specific proficiencies

The specific proficiencies to be working throughout Introduction to Economics are the ability to:
  • Express fluently by speaking and writing in social and economic contexts, and participate in team work.
  • Make use of information and communication technologies in their future professional careers.
  • Understand economic institutions as the medium and the outcome of agents’ interactions and economic processes, using theoretical or formal models.
  • Analyze economic problems and professional criteria, using technical instruments.
  • Identify and be ahead of relevant economic problems in relation with the allocation of scarce resources, in public and private environments.
  • Contribute to the diffusion and reach of rationality in the analysis and description of any aspect related to the economic environment.
  • Evaluate the consequences of alternative actions and behaviours, helping in the choice of aims.



The learning activities and methodology will include:

  • Master classes, oriented to the acquisition of theoretical knowledge. It is required that students have already read the
  • corresponding chapter from any of the two reference books.
  • Seminar classes, oriented to the discussion and analysis of issues related to the theoretical topics in the course.
  • Problem solving classes, oriented to auto-evaluation of theoretical knowledge and to acquire additional abilities and
  • skills.



Spanish and English.



Marks correspond to the outcome in a written final test with a weight of 100%. Nevertheless, when instructor considers it to be adequate, the weight of the written final test might decrease and, in that case, the remaining share will reflect the student’s behavior during the course.



Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. On rational choice
Chapter 3. Equilibrium notion
Chapter 4. Negotiation and cooperation
Chapter 5. Firms’ organization production
Chapter 6. Equilibrium in competitive markets
Chapter 7. Market failure and government
Chapter 8. General equilibrium model
Chapter 9. Price level in product market
Chapter 10. Job market and involuntary unemployment
Chapter 11. Monitoring macroeconomics trends and fluctuations
Chapter 12. Classical doctrine of equilibrium
Chapter 13. The Keynesian macroeconomic model
Chapter 14. Political Economics and Economic Policy



Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.

Basic bibliography
  • Nieto, J (2006) Decisiones y Mercados. Ed: Pirámide.
Complementary bibliography
  • Begg, D., S. Fischer y R. Dornbusch (2002) Economía. Ed: McGraw Hill
  • Krugman, P. y R. Wells (2006) Introducción a la economía: Microeconomía. Ed: Reverte.
  • The instructor might consider necessary to include additional material that will be announced in advance.
  • Krugman, P., R. Wells y M.L. Olney (2008) Fundamentos de economía. Ed: Reverte.
  • Mankiw, N. G. (2004) Principios de economía. Ed: McGraw Hill
  • Parkin, M. (2010) Economics. Ed. Pearson.
  • Phelps, E.S. (1995) Economía política: un texto introductorio. Ed: Antoni Bosch
  • Samuelson, P. y W. Nordhaus (2006) Economía. Ed: McGraw-Hill
  • Stiglitz, J. (2004) Macroeconomía. Ed: Ariel.
The instructor might consider necessary to include additional material that will be announced in advance.
