Public University of Navarre

Academic year: 2014/2015 | Previous academic years:  2013/2014  |  2012/2013  |  2011/2012  |  2010/2011 
International Double Bachelor's degree in Economics, Management and Business Administration at the Universidad Pública de Navarra
Course code: 176101 Subject title: BUSINESS ECONOMICS
Credits: 6 Type of subject: Basic Year: 1 Period: 1º S
Department: Business Administration

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This course is mandatory and is included within the basic subject of Organization and Human Resources, together with Organizational Design and Behaviour and Human Resources Management. As a mandatory and basic subject, Business Economics is taught during the first semester of the degree. This course explains the nature of business and its environment. The main objective is to provide students with a global and integrated picture approach to the firm.



The nature of the firm. Economic analysis of the firm. Environment. Management. Decision making. Functional areas


General proficiencies

Generic competences students should acquire in this course:

  • CG01. Analysis and synthesis skills
  • CG08. Decision making skills
  • CG09. Team work skills
  • CG12. Social skills
  • CG15. Ethic behavior in the job
  • CG16. Working in stressful environments
  • CG17. Self-directed learning


Specific proficiencies

This course provides the following specific competences:

  • CE02. Identify relevant economic information and its content
  • CE03. Recognize information from data in a professional way 
  • CE04. Apply professional criteria and technical tools to solve business problems 
  • CE13. Identify the firm as a system and recognize the existing interdependences among the different functional areas



Lectures or theoretical sessions: (class hours: 42 hours) Lectures about the topics listed in the course outline. These sessions will also include both individual and group activities, such as exercises and cases studies. Students will be invited to participate in class discussion. These theoretical sessions will take place within the “big group”, with all the students registered in the course.

Practical sessions: (class hours: 13 hours) Each unit will be covered by both theoretical and practical sessions. The practical sessions will take place within “small groups”, with half of the students registered in the course.

Exams: A final exam, with both theoretical and practical contents about the topics presented in the course, will take place at the end of the semester to measure the students’ global knowledge. Also, during the semester, several partial tests and exercises regarding some specific topics will be administered.

Tutorials: I can evaluate the student’s learning process using tutorials of one or a few students. Students can also use tutorials to solve their questions and difficulties in their learning process in relation to this course.

Students’ work: Students are expected to do various kinds of work for this course. One important requirement is self-directed learning. Specifically, the different formative activities and the total number of hours students should devote to each formative activity are provided in the following table:

Formative activities

Number of hours

Attending lectures or theoretical sessions – “Big group” 42
Attending practical sessions – “Small group” 13
Taking exams 5
Total number of in-class hours 60
Completing evaluable team work 25
Studying and preparing both theoretical and practical sessions 30
Studying and preparing exams 30
Attending and preparing tutorials 5
Total number of out-of-class hours 90

Besides, MiAulario will constitute an additional and relevant resource for this course.






This course seeks to engage students in a broad range of case study, exercises and activities, in which students will have to apply the theoretical contents of the subject. This course’s evaluation will take into account all these aspects as well as the grades obtained in a series of partial exams and a final exam. In particular, for the final grade of the subject, the weights given to the different activities will be the following:

Characteristic Competences Evaluation tool Weight
Non-recoverable CG08, CG09, CG12, CG15, CG16, CE02, CE03, CE04 Individual work 15%
Team work 15%
Recoverable CG01, CG16, CG17, CE02,  CE04, CE13 Partial exams 20%
Final exam 50%

Regarding the extraordinary final exam, it is important to clarify the following:

  • For partial-time students, the extraordinary final exam will be 100% of their final grade
  • For full-time students, the extraordinary final exam will be 70% of their final grade. However, in order to be able to take the extraordinary exam, the following requirements should be met:
    • Participation in the continuous evaluation activities
    • To have previously taken the ordinary final exam



Unit 1. Introduction to markets and organizations

Unit 2. The organization of the firm

Unit 3. The nature of management

Unit 4. Financial accounting

Unit 5. Marketing

Unit 6. Operations



Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.

  • Baye, M.R. (2010). Managerial Economics and Business Strategy (7th edition), McGraw-Hill International Edition
  • Díez-Vial, I. et al. (2012). Introduction to Business Administration, Civitas, Thomson Reuters
  • Weygand, J.J., Kimmel, P.D., and Kieso, D.E. (2011). Financial accounting (IFRS Edition), Wiley



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