Public University of Navarre

Castellano | Academic year: 2018/2019 | Previous academic years:  2017/2018  |  2016/2017  |  2015/2016  |  2014/2015 
Bachelor's degree in Economics at the Universidad Pública de Navarra
Course code: 171701 Subject title: DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS
Credits: 6 Type of subject: Optative Year: 4 Period: 1º S
Department: Economía

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Module/Subject matter

Development and Cooperation.



The subject focuses in three main parts, dealing first with key development dimensions such as Poverty( Health, Education and Environment) and Inequality ( Social Exclusion and gender), secondly with development and institutions and finally with the methodology to evaluate the impact of development programs.  The detail of the agenda is described below (Agenda).



Development, Economic growth and Poverty reduction are the outcomes of a complex set of interactions across the entire range of economic policies and institutions. From this perspective, "Development Economics" must have a very broad meaning. During this course, we will study a variety of cross-cutting themes such as poverty, inequality, corruption, the access to financial markets, the functioning of institutions as well as the methodology to monitor and evaluate the impact of development programs.


General proficiencies

CG01. Analytical capacity.
CG02. Planning and organization skills
CG04. Writing and speaking in English.
CG07. Solving problems skills
CG09. Teamwork skills
CG11. International work.
CG12. Ability to relate at the personal and professional level

CG14. Critical judgement and self-criticism
GG17. Autonomous learning.
GP19. Creativity.
CG23. Sensibility towards social and environmental problems


Specific proficiencies

CE02. Identify sources for relevant economic data and information.
CE03. Interpret and analyse microeconomic and macroeconomic data.
CE04.Use scientific tools and professional criteria to analyse economic problems.

CE05.Write advising reports on local, national or international economic issues or on sectorial analysis.
CE06.Write economic projects at regional, national or international level.
CE08. Identify and anticipate relevant economic problems related to the allocations of resources.

CE10. Evaluate consequences of different alternatives and select the best ones according to the objectives.


Learning outcomes

R_MDC_01. Identify and analyze problems related to development from an economic perspective

R_MDC_02: Understand and express statements about economic and development policies in a proper and rigorous way.

R_MDC_06: Evaluate and propose development policies from the perspective of efficiency, equity and sustainability

R_MDC_07: Knowledge and analysis of the institutional frame within which development and cooperation policies take place.

R_MDC_09: Analyze economic cases on growth and development with a retrospective perspective. 




Methodology/Activity Hours at the classroom  Hours out of the classroom
A-1 Participative lectures 18  
A-2 Applied seminars 18  
A-3 Debates, group discussion, office hours 18  
A-4 Researching and writing about a selected topic on development   30
A-5  Reading  complementary material   20
A-6 Individual study   30
A-7 Exams and case studies 06  
A-8 Individual office hours   10
TOTAL 60 90






Learning outcomes Evaluation method Weight (%) Recoverable
R_MDC_01 and R_MDC_09 Essay and Exercises  30% Yes
R_MDC_02  Presentations 30% No
R_MDC_06 Final exam 35% Yes
R_MDC_07 Participation and Debates 5% No



The subject focuses in three main parts, dealing first with key development dimensions such as Poverty (Health, Education and Environment) and Inequality (Social Exclusion and gender), secondly with development and institutions and finally with the methodology to evaluate the impact of development programs. The detail of the agenda is described here:


First Part. Development Dimensions

Chapter 1: Development Perspectives

Chapter 2: Poverty
2.1. Health
2.2. Education
2.3. Environment

Chapter 3: Inequality
3.1. Gender
3.2. Social Exclusion
Second Part: Development and Institutions

Chapter 4: Corruption and Institutions

Chapter 5: Development Aid and Conditionality

Chapter 6: Empowerment and access to market programs
Third Part: Impact Evaluation of Social Development Programs

Chapter 7: Monitoring and Process Evaluation

Chapter 8: Impact Evaluation of Social Programs



Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.

  • Acemoglu, D., Robinson J. (2012). Why nations fail?.Crown Publishing Group. Massachusetts, USA.
  • Banerjee A.V., Duflo E. (2011). Poor Economics. Public Affairs, New York.
  • Deaton, A. (2013). The great scape: Health, wealth, and the origins of inequality. Princeton University Press, New York.
  • Gertler, P.J, Martínez S., Premand P., Rawlings L.B., Vermeersch C. (2007). Impact Evaluation in Practice, The World Bank.
  • Mullainathan S., Shafir E. (2013). Scarcity. Penguin Books, London.
  • Sen A.K. (1999): Development as freedom. New York.
  • Sustein C., Thaler R. (2008). Nudge: Improving decisions about health, and happiness. 
  • World Bank (2015).  World Development Report 2015: Mind, society and behavior. World Bank Group.



UPNA; Campus de Arrosadía.
